
How to learn a new programming language

Some experienced developers recommend that we learn one new programming language per year. I agree with that. I find it interesting to study a new paradigm, new ways of doing what we do in our preferred language. This is refreshing.

Sometimes you’re fed up with the programming language you work with, like JavaScript. So, maybe it’s time to study another language like Java so you can see how boring it is to start valuing the facilities of more modern languages. – we can’t miss the opportunity to make fun of Java

Aside from the fun of Java (don’t take this the wrong way, please), in practice it’s quite complicated to study one language per year. We have several variables that can interfere with our objective, such as being in a college, technical course, job, schedules, traffic consuming our time, relatives asking us to format the computer or fix the cell phone, etc, etc.

If you’re taking a technical course or college, focus on what you’re studying there and leave this tip for when you’re done. Otherwise you may end up getting stuck in your studies

Studying the language we work with is already complicated, even more so if you work with JavaScript and follow the changes that are taking place. No time.

Why learn?

“Don’t just play games on your phone. Create a game”. This phrase was said by Barack Obama in 2013, where he sought to encourage people to learn to program for the future of the United States, and he is not the only one concerned about this. Several countries want to ensure that the new generations understand programming languages or at least master their concepts.

But that you already know! What matters is: why a new language?

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, programmer jobs  expected to grow at an average of 8% over the next seven years. If this area is very good for the long term, we need to invest, right? But that doesn’t mean that all jobs will be focused on the same programming language, and that’s why it’s important for you to become a skilled professional in several languages.

And the best way to stay on top of this is to know different languages.

Tips for learning new languages

Dicas para aprender novas linguagens

To start learning a language, it is good to follow these tips:

Tip 1: Start learning by knowing the history of this new language.

Where did she come from? Is it based on another language? What platforms are used? And mainly, are there people using it? This is the first step for you to choose the language you will work with, and what you can do with it.

Tip 2: Read more basic books.

You know when you decide to study something, choose a very complex content and then give up in the middle because you think it’s all a bit convoluted? This will happen whenever you decide to learn something new. Therefore, choose books and more basic content, and as you understand the subject, move on to other content.

Tip 3: Invest in simple code at the beginning

This is just a complement to the previous tip. You read all the content, tried your best to understand everything, but it only made sense when that example code appeared, right? So invest in the most basic examples, and throughout the content, go deeper and further.

Tip 4: Learn to challenge yourself!

Choose some code that you have already developed in other languages and rewrite it in the new language. It doesn’t have to be a complex system, okay? Some functions and classes are a great start. This is also the time to see the differences between the languages, the advantages and disadvantages of each one.

Tip 5: Compare the codes

After challenging yourself, it’s time to compare. The idea is to compare your project with that of another more experienced developer in this language. The style of programming and problem solving is similar.

Tip 6: Join communities

Now that you understand this language, it’s time to participate in some communities and forums, and of course, engage a lot.

What new language to learn?

Tips for learning new languages

Now that you know why to learn and how to learn a new programming language, you need to answer the following question: Why do I need a new language? What is my main objective with this?

Each programming language has its indications, so it is essential to know your objective before choosing what to learn. Here are some of the main languages:

1- Java:  It is the main programming language and the most used in the world to develop applications for Android tablets and smartphones. In addition, it is quite common in corporate environments, that is, it is essential that you learn this language. And there are still people who ask if worth it learn Java.

2- JavaScript:  This is another key language for anyone who wants work with programming, after all it is present on almost all internet pages. You know that item that everyone has an obligation to know? So!

3- PHP:  You can love it or hate it, but most websites are built in this language. And that means that anyone who understands PHP is hardly unemployed. Despite being an old language, there is a strong job market that demands professionals with mastery of this programming language.

4- C#:  The C# language has generated a lot of success, because it is closely related to its constant evolution and  the range of resources that technology offers, responsible for increasing productivity in the process of development. It is also used in the creation of different types of applications, with a focus on high-level solutions.

5- C:  The C language, being structured, makes the development process more simplified. In addition, it is easy to carry, it is simple because of the set of libraries of functions and subroutines that help in the development of systems, and it provides low-level resources, allowing the incorporation of assembly codes.

6- C++:  This language is used in the most diverse types of applications, such as: games, text editors, image editors and among many other purposes. Among its main features we can mention multi-paradigm, compatibility with the C language, portability and good performance

7- Python:  Python is widely used in web applications, complex solutions, games and among others, used for the development of applications that use Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, in addition to being frequently taught in programming logic courses due to the simplicity of the syntax.

And it doesn’t stop there, nor do we quote Objective-C, Ruby, Visual Basic, and many others.

Check out this article

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